Have you been invited to a hot tub party yet? I am waiting with baited breath for my first invitation, but nothing so far.
The hot tub party seems to be one of the latest things that we have adopted from our warmer weathered neighbours. A little slow on the uptake here in the UK, or is it that in Portsmouth, hot tubs are not at the top of my friends priority lists because of our “unstable” weather conditions?
That said, a hot tub party could be the highlight of the summer if you get your planning right. Not got a tub? Hot tub rental can sort that out.There! Anyone can throw a hot tub party and a great one too if you follow these top tips.
Timing is everything when throwing a hot tub party. It is best to hold your soiree just before your hot tub is due to be drained. This way you won’t have to worry about the water becoming unsanitary or the chemistry levels becoming unbalanced.
Prior to the get-together, clean and maintain the pool and ensure the hot tub chemicals are at the correct levels. This is paramount for the health and hygiene of you and your guests.
Guest List
Consider the number of people that can fit into the tub and make sure that you don’t over invite. Imagine what it will feel like to have people hanging around the pool because there is no room.
If you are after a busy, lively event then you can always rotate the use of the hot tub to maximise the space.
Try and invite people with similar interests and that like being in each others company.They will be sitting in close proximity of each other, and trying to bond people in a busy hot tub could lead to an awkward evening indeed.
Dress Code
Make sure your guests know to bring their swimwear. Have extra buckets of towels for your guests use, there is nothing worse than trying to dry yourself with a soggy towel. If it is in your budget having robes available is a nice touch too.
Flash up the BBQ, great as a food option but can also be somewhere to warm up and gather for a chat if not all your guests can fit in the tub together.
Avoid heavy foods that could result in stomach upsets for your guests if they are sitting in water for an extended length time.
Also avoid flaky, crunchy foods what will crumble and float on the surface of the tub, not nice. Rolls, wraps, meats and vegetables are a safe bet.
Make sure there is plenty to drink, not just because it is a party but because it is very easy to dehydrate when spending a lot of time in a heated spa.
Try and dip before you sip. You are likely to get tipsy quicker when sitting in hot tub and it can also increase the chance of you getting a hangover.
Keep glass away from the hot tub too. This shouldn’t be a problem with the amount of stylish plastic or disposable drinkware that is available.
Make sure there are other things to do as well as sit in the spa. Introduce some hot tub games, waterproof cards are great. Set up some other garden games around the hot tub area to keep your guests entertained.
For a more intimate event arrange pamper treatments, and for something more lively turn that music up!
Have you, unlike me, been to a hot tub party? Tell me what is what like in the comments. I’d love to know.