Adults adorned in fancy dress appear in the strangest of circumstances it seems. My latest encounter of costume planning was with a group of people preparing to Walk the Wight.
The time of year is fast approaching when the “garden isle” of England is descended upon by thousand heartfelt fundraisers determined to achieve Walking the Wight. 2015 sees the 25th anniversary of this walk which has claimed the accolade of being the largest European charity walk of its kind.
So what is involved and what does the walk set out to achieve?
As with most events of this kind it originated with the purpose of raising money for a the local hospital. It has since remained an annual event, now in support of the Earl Mountbatten Hospice. The Island’s sole hospice.
Aside from the money being raised the walk is set to brighten up the Island with an array of adult fancy dress costumes. The entrants are being encouraged to dress up as part of the celebrations of the 25th Anniversary of the event. Bestival tickets are up for grabs for the best costumes, which is being judged by Bestival’s Creative Director.
The challenge is on!
Can you go the distance?
The walk covers the breadth of the “garden isle” and takes in areas of natural beauty, some of which are not usually open to the public.
But how far would you be willing to go?
The walk is segmented into 4 different distances:
- 26.5 miles is the full distance which goes from Bembridge on the most easterly point of the Island down to the Needles at Alum Bay, the most westerly point of the Island.
If that seems an awful long way, which is it, you can also opt to partake in half of the walk. Still a long way!
- The first half – this is 12.5 miles from Bembridge to Carisbrooke
- The second half, which is 14 miles from Carisbrooke to the Needles at Alum Bay
- The flat walk takes in 8 miles from Sandown to Shide and is a course that is suitable for pushchairs and wheelchairs.
With so many distances available what are you waiting for?
Get researching the best adult fancy dress costumes around, slip on your walking shoes and you are away.
If you get your costume just right you could be dancing at Bestival in September, that is if your legs have recovered by then.
What are you going as? Let us know in the comments.