Aging and increased infirmity often affect our independent living arrangements and abilities to cope with day-to-day responsibilities. It’s great when you recognize the problems you’re beginning to face and start to look for bathing solutions for the elderly. One way to maintain your regular joy in taking baths is to install easy access baths, making it a simple matter to step in and out of the tub.
Easy access baths tend to be walk in baths which only entail a small step into the tub. Once the door has closed you can fill the tub with water or take advantage of the integrated shower. You’ll find a range of safety fittings incorporated into easy access baths, making this a wise investment for your future. Grab rails, anti-scald thermostatic safety taps, plugs which can be operate by foot, extra wide access for anybody that’s wheelchair bound or extremely unsteady on the feet, inbuilt seating to ensure you sit in comfort within a deep bath and added extras such as steam units, lighting or music can all incorporate to ensure your walk in bath gives you easy access but is also a luxurious addition to your household fitments.
Modern easy access baths feature elements of design that make them elegant additions to any room of the home, with coordinating fitments, panels and enclosures to give them appeal. These designer walk in baths don’t have the utilitarian appearance you might have noticed in hospital bathrooms or the bathrooms in some residential care settings. You have total control of the appearance of your walk in bath, so you can design it to suit your own needs and the available space within your home.
Safe bathing and showering is a primary joy of independent living for the elderly but can be an area of major concern. Falls and slips within bathroom settings are often serious, due to the expanse of hard surfaces within the bathroom. Fitting an easy access bath in your home environment allows you to maintain an ongoing pleasure, while ensuring your safety at this moment in time and also as your mobility decreases further.
Bathsafely offer a range of easy access baths, carefully designed to suit all possible safety needs, yet provide you with a beautiful addition to your home that doesn’t look out of place in any bathroom setting. Our professional design team will be happy to discuss your personal bathing requirements in more detail.